App Store irraa kan gad fe'aman
1 Androidf Psiphon Pro 1 Play Store Google keessaa
1 Walabummaa marsariitii ni deggera 1Psiphon Pro Google Play Store irraa gad fe'uu. (Biyyoota Mara keessatti hin hojjetu.)
1 iOS Psiphon dhaaf 1 App Sore Apple keessa jiruuf
Appn iPhone keessan irra jiru martinuu ykn iPad irra jiru karaa caasaa Psiphon marsariitii argachuun ni danda'ama. iOS 10.2 ykn isaa ol kan jiruuf ni gargaara.
Psiphon for Macs with Apple silicon in the Apple App Store
All of the apps on your Mac will access the Internet through the Psiphon network. Available for all Mac computers with Apple silicon. Check if your Mac has Apple silicon.
1 Psiphon iOSf 1 App Store Apple keessa jira
Marsaeriitii jaal'attan daawwadhaa akkasumas karaa caasaa keenya Psiphon gargaaramuuf salphaa ta'een gargaaramaa. iOS 8 fi isaa ol kan jiruuf ni gargaara.
Kallattiin gad fe'uu
Psiphon Android irratti kallattiin fe'amu
Google Play Sroreyoo hin qabhaanne, (" sideload 1 ") gad fe'uun ni danda'ama. kallattiin Psiphon Android dhaaf.
Psiphon Windows dhaaf
Works on Windows 10 and 11.
(Legacy builds are available for Windows XP and Vista, and for Windows 7, 8, and 8.1.)
Gama email gad fe'i
Yoo marsariitiin ykn hidhati ittiin gad fe'an uggurame ykn saansurii ta'e, gama email gad fe'uu akka danda'amuuf gaafachuu dandeessan